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Challenging APUSH questions

Could anyone share some hard APUSH questions or resources where I can find them? I'm trying to prepare for the exam coming up and want to challenge myself more on the tougher concepts.

a year ago

Sure, I'm happy to help you find some more challenging APUSH questions! Here are a few resources that will provide you with difficult questions to test your understanding of the subject:

1. College Board Past Exams: College Board provides past APUSH exam questions and scoring guidelines on their website. This is a great resource because you can be sure that the questions are authentic and appropriately challenging. Check it out here:

2. AP Classroom: If you haven't already, try asking your teacher for access to the AP Classroom platform. This resource provides personalized feedback and practice questions that can help you hone your understanding of the material. There are also progress checks and question banks available to challenge you further.

3. APUSH review books: Review books like "The Princeton Review: Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam" or "Barron's AP United States History" often contain more challenging practice questions in addition to comprehensive reviews of the course material. You can find these books at local bookstores or online retailers like Amazon.

4. Study apps and websites: There are various websites and apps that offer challenging APUSH practice questions. A commonly recommended one is Albert ( They offer practice questions and explanations for both multiple-choice and free-response sections. CollegeVine ( also has resources focused on APUSH, as well as other AP subjects.

Remember, practicing with difficult questions is a great way to challenge your understanding and identify areas you need to work on. Good luck with your exam preparation!

a year ago

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