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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Demonstrated Interest at American University

Hi there! I'm applying to American University and I'm wondering if they track demonstrated interest. Is it important to show demonstrated interest when applying to American University, and if so, what are some effective ways to do that?

a year ago

Yes, American University does track demonstrated interest, and it can play a role in their admissions decisions. Demonstrated interest is a way for colleges like American University to gauge how likely an applicant is to enroll if admitted, which can have an impact on their yield (the percentage of admitted students who actually enroll). While it's not the most important aspect of your application, it's still good to show that you’re genuinely interested in attending American University.

Here are some effective ways to demonstrate your interest:

1. Attend virtual or in-person campus tours and information sessions. This provides you a chance to learn more about the University, its programs, and its culture. Make sure to sign up through the college's website, so they have a record of your attendance.

2. Connect with the admissions office. Reach out to your regional admissions officer, introduce yourself, and ask relevant questions about the university that you can't easily find online. This shows that you have taken the effort to research and learn more about their school.

3. Participate in college fairs or open houses where American University is represented. Speaking with representatives at these events can help you gather more information and can also show the University your commitment to the institution.

4. Engage with American University on social media. Follow their official accounts and engage with their posts in a meaningful, respectful, and appropriate manner. This is a casual way to stay informed and show your enthusiasm.

5. If possible, interview, as it gives you a chance to highlight your strengths, discuss your fit with the college, and learn more about the student experience.

Remember, it's essential to balance demonstrating interest with the other critical aspects of your application (grades, test scores, extracurriculars, and essays). Demonstrated interest can help, but it's just one piece of the admissions puzzle. Good luck!

a year ago

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