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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are calculators allowed on the ACT?

Hey everyone, so I'm taking the ACT soon, and I was wondering if we can use calculators on the math portion of the test? If so, are there any specific types or features that aren't allowed? Thanks!

a year ago

Yes, calculators are allowed on the math portion of the ACT, but there are some restrictions on the types of calculators you can use. The ACT has a calculator policy that you should review before taking the test to ensure your calculator is permitted. Here's a general overview of what's allowed and not allowed:


1. Most basic and scientific calculators.

2. Approved graphing calculators.

3. Calculators that are integrated with a protractor.

Not allowed:

1. Calculators with built-in computer algebra systems (CAS) such as TI-89 or TI-Nspire CX CAS.

2. Calculators with a QWERTY keyboard layout like TI-92.

3. Calculators that can communicate wirelessly or connect to the internet.

4. Calculators with built-in cameras, audio recording devices, or any other non-calculator features.

5. Devices such as smartphones, tablets, or personal computers.

It is important to check the specific model of your calculator against the ACT's calculator policy to ensure compliance. Additionally, make sure you are familiar with your calculator's functions, as proctors will not assist you during the test. Lastly, don't forget to bring extra batteries just in case.

Good luck on your ACT!

a year ago

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