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Exemplar college essays for inspiration?

Hi all, I'm a junior getting started on my college essays. Can anyone share exemplar college essays that really caught the eye of admission officers? I'm looking for some inspiration to help me write a memorable and unique essay.

a year ago

Hi there! It's a great idea to look for exemplar college essays for inspiration. However, it's important to remember that everyone's personal story and writing style is unique. While you can certainly draw inspiration from others' essays, be sure to present your own experiences and perspective.

Below are some resources where you can find example essays and learn what made them successful:

1. CollegeVine Blog - CollegeVine's blog is an excellent resource for tips on writing unique college essays and also includes actual examples of successful essays:

2. "50 Successful Harvard Application Essays" - This book is a compilation of successful essays written by Harvard students. It provides insights into how these essays stood out in a highly competitive applicant pool.

3. "Heavenly Essays: 50 Narrative College Application Essays That Worked" - Written by Janine Robinson, the book contains a variety of excellent narrative essays that demonstrate storytelling skills and diverse experiences.

4. Websites of top colleges - Top colleges often publish examples of successful essays on their admissions websites. These essays are great to see what the school's admission officers found compelling.

Remember, the key to writing a unique and memorable essay is to focus on your own experiences and emotions. Think about impactful moments, personal growth, or challenges you've overcome. And, of course, make sure to revise and have others review your essays too. Good luck with the essay writing process!

a year ago

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