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AP Physics without prior Physics experience?

Has anyone taken AP Physics without taking a regular high school Physics class first? Is it manageable to dive straight into an AP class or should I take a basic Physics course beforehand for my junior year?

a year ago

Hello! Diving straight into AP Physics without taking a basic high school Physics class first is definitely doable, but it might be challenging for some students depending on their background in science and math.

Some students might find it manageable to directly take AP Physics without a prior Physics course if they have a strong foundation in science and math, and they possess good problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. For example, if you have some exposure to advanced math courses like Algebra 2, Trigonometry, or even Pre-Calculus, that will be helpful for understanding complex Physics concepts.

However, if you're unsure about your foundation and/or haven't taken a Physics course before, it might be more beneficial to take a basic Physics course first before attempting the AP class. This way, you can build a solid understanding of the concepts and be better prepared for the AP course materials.

You can also consider trying some online resources, like Khan Academy, to get a feel for Physics topics before deciding whether to take AP Physics directly or go for an introductory course. You could also reach out to the AP Physics teacher at your school, to discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses and see if they think the course is a good fit for you.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your understanding of science and math concepts, your confidence in problem-solving and critical thinking, and your willingness to take on challenging coursework. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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