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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Should I Accept the Waitlist Offer?

Hey guys, I got waitlisted at one of my top schools and I'm not sure if I should accept the waitlist offer. What should I consider before deciding, and would it be worth it just to hold on to a small chance of getting in?

a year ago

It's understandable that you're feeling uncertain about whether to accept the waitlist offer. Before making your decision, consider the following factors:

1. Your current options: Analyze your current college acceptances and how they compare to the school where you've been waitlisted. If you're happy with your other options and believe they are a good fit for you academically, socially, and financially, it might be easier to let go of the waitlist offer.

2. Emotional attachment: Be honest with yourself about how emotionally invested you are in attending this specific school. If being accepted off the waitlist would significantly impact your happiness and college experience, it might be worth holding onto that chance.

3. Financial implications: Keep in mind that financial aid packages may differ for students accepted off the waitlist. If finances are a major concern, make sure to research and understand the difference in aid between being directly admitted and being admitted off the waitlist.

4. Timeline: Waitlist acceptances can occur throughout the summer, and sometimes even after classes have started. Be prepared for a potentially last-minute decision and consider whether you can handle the uncertainty and stress that comes with this process.

5. Backup plan: If you decide to accept the waitlist offer, ensure that you still have a solid backup plan by submitting your enrollment deposit to another school before the deadline. This way, you guarantee a spot elsewhere in case you don't get off the waitlist.

Remember that accepting a waitlist offer doesn't mean you're committed to attending the school if you're later accepted. It's simply an indication that you're still interested in attending, should a spot become available. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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