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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Online service hours possibilities?

Hi! Given my current situation, I was wondering if there are any online service hour opportunities available for high school students like me. If so, where can I find them and sign up?

a year ago

Hi there! You're absolutely right, the pandemic has shifted many volunteer experiences to online or remote opportunities. Here are some suggestions for finding online service hour opportunities:

1. Check out local non-profit organizations' websites: Many organizations have adapted to the situation and moved some of their volunteer programs online. You can search for local non-profits in your area and visit their websites to see if they have any remote volunteer opportunities available.

2. Tutoring/mentoring online: Many students are facing educational challenges due to remote learning, and you can help by offering tutoring or mentorship online. Websites like TutorMe or LearnToBe can connect you with students in need of tutoring.

3. Online platforms dedicated to virtual volunteering: Websites like VolunteerMatch and Catchafire are platforms specifically designed to connect and match volunteers with virtual volunteer opportunities in a variety of areas.

4. Transcription and translation services: Several organizations like Translators Without Borders and Smithonian Digital Volunteers offer ways for students with foreign language skills to contribute by translating documents or transcribing historical texts.

5. Explore social media: Many organizations or schools use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to promote and recruit volunteers for online programs. Keep an eye on community or school pages, or search for local volunteer groups.

6. Reach out to school counselors or club advisors: Your high school counselor or club advisor may have a list of online service hour opportunities or contacts with organizations looking for student volunteers. Reach out to them for guidance and help connecting with potential opportunities.

Remember, the key is to seek out and find volunteer experiences that match your interests and passions. Good luck!

a year ago

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