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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Easy awards for high school students

Hey guys! I'm looking for some easy-to-apply-for awards to boost my resume before applying to college. Do you have any suggestions on national or local awards for high school students that are worth checking out?

a year ago

Hi there! While there's no such thing as an "easy" award, there are definitely accessible and attainable options out there. Here are a few national and local awards you may want to consider:

1. Scholastic Art and Writing Awards: This well-known competition provides opportunities for students to submit works in a variety of categories, such as visual arts, poetry, and essays. Deadlines vary based on your region, so check out their website for details.

2. National Honor Society (NHS): If your school has an NHS chapter, you may want to apply for membership. While not an award per se, being an NHS member demonstrates academic excellence and commitment to community service, which can help boost your resume.

3. Presidential Volunteer Service Award: This award recognizes individuals who have contributed a significant number of volunteer hours. You can apply if you have completed a minimum of 100 (bronze level) service hours within a 12-month period.

4. Science Olympiad: If you're interested in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM), consider joining your school's Science Olympiad team and participating in regional and national competitions.

5. Local essay contests: Check with your school counselor or browse online for essay contests held in your area or state. Many businesses, organizations, and colleges sponsor essay competitions, often with cash prizes and public recognition.

6. Community service awards: If you're already involved in volunteer work, it's worth looking into awards and scholarships offered by local organizations for community service. Your school counselor can be a helpful resource for identifying these opportunities.

Remember to not only focus on the awards themselves, but also on the activities you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about. Pursuing activities that align with your interests is more meaningful and demonstrates authenticity in your college applications. Good luck!

a year ago

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