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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Middle Eastern Ethnicity Category?

Hi there! I was filling out college applications, and I came across the ethnicity section. I'm Middle Eastern, and I'm not sure if I should select 'Asian' or another category. Can anyone shed some light on how to proceed?

a year ago

Hi! The ethnicity section on college applications can be a bit confusing for some applicants. As per the U.S. Census Bureau, individuals of Middle Eastern or North African heritage are classified as "White" and not "Asian." However, this classification might not feel accurate or representative for some applicants.

You should feel comfortable self-identifying in a way that best represents your background, heritage, and how you see yourself. Some college applications might allow you to select more than one category, or even provide a space for you to write in your specific ethnicity if none of the options provided apply to you. Make sure to take advantage of this space if you feel it better represents your identity.

Keep in mind that colleges value diversity and your unique background—sharing your Middle Eastern heritage can be an essential component of your application and it may help provide context to your academic and extracurricular achievements. Just remember to be honest and true to yourself in how you present your background in your application. Good luck with the college application process!

a year ago

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