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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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FAFSA Limit of 10 Schools

I'm planning to apply to more than 10 colleges, but I read that FAFSA only allows for 10 schools to be listed. Can anyone help me understand how I can submit my FAFSA info to all the schools I want to apply to? Really appreciate any advice!

a year ago

You're correct that the FAFSA has a limit of 10 schools listed at a time, but don't worry—there's a method to submit your information to more than 10 schools. Here's a step-by-step process to make sure all your colleges receive your FAFSA data:

1. Complete and submit your FAFSA with the first 10 schools.

2. Wait for an email confirmation that your FAFSA has been processed. This usually takes about 3-5 days.

3. After your FAFSA has been processed, log back into and go to the "Make a Correction" section.

4. Remove one or more of the schools you initially listed.

5. Add the additional colleges you want your FAFSA information sent to. Make sure you're not removing a school that hasn't received your information yet. Colleges typically download your FAFSA data within a week of it being processed.

6. Submit the updated FAFSA with the new list of colleges. Doing so won't impact the first set of colleges that received your info.

Repeat this process as many times as necessary to ensure all the colleges you're applying to receive your FAFSA information. Make sure to keep track of deadlines for each college and submit your information well in advance so they receive it on time. Good luck!

a year ago

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