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Examples of successful essays for Johns Hopkins?

Hey there! I'm applying to Johns Hopkins and I'm curious about what types of essays have worked for others. Can anyone share good examples or resources where I can find successful essays for inspiration?

a year ago

Hello! It's always a good idea to gather inspiration from successful essays when applying to a college like Johns Hopkins. One resource you can use is the Johns Hopkins website, where they post some standout essays by admitted students each year, known as the "Essays That Worked" series. You can find them at this link:

You can also check out this article from CollegeVine, with successful Johns Hopkins essay examples:

By reading these essays, you can get a sense of what the admissions committee found effective and engaging. While it's important to draw inspiration from these essays, avoid copying them or modeling your essay closely after them. Your own essay should reflect your unique experiences and perspectives.

As you read through the examples, you might notice that they showcase the writer's voice, creativity, and ability to convey a meaningful message. Successful essays typically have some common elements such as:

1. They tell a story: A compelling narrative can make your essay memorable and engaging. Share an anecdote or experience that conveys a meaningful message about you.

2. They show self-reflection: Admissions committees want to see how you've grown and learned from your experiences. Use your essay to display personal growth, insight, or a valuable lesson you've learned.

3. They are focused: Succinct and well-organized essays with a clear central theme tend to be more effective. Avoid trying to cover too many topics or losing focus on the main point you're trying to convey.

4. They provide context: Context helps the reader understand how your experiences have shaped your perspective and who you are. Use your essay to create a vivid picture of your background or explain a unique aspect of your personality or upbringing.

Remember, the key to an effective essay is to be genuine, introspective, and authentic. Make sure to highlight who you are, what makes you unique, and why you would be a great fit for Johns Hopkins. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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