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How to write a standout experience essay?

Hey guys, I'm working on my common app, and I really want to showcase one of my meaningful experiences. Any tips or advice on how to make my experience essay stand out? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi! Writing a standout experience essay requires focusing on a few key elements:

1. Unique topic or perspective: Choose an experience that is unique to you or at least present it from an angle that is personal and meaningful. This will help differentiate your essay from others that have similar themes.

2. Storytelling and vivid details: Use descriptive language and concrete details to paint a clear picture of the experience. Your aim is to create an emotional connection with the reader, allowing them to feel a part of your journey.

3. Show growth or change: The experience should demonstrate how you've grown, learned, or changed as a person. This means reflecting on and analyzing your thoughts, feelings, and actions before, during, and after the experience.

4. Introduction and conclusion: Start with an attention-grabbing opening to engage the reader right away. Your conclusion should wrap up the story in a way that is consistent with your essay’s theme and emphasize personal growth or learning.

5. Authentic voice: Be genuine in your writing and stay true to your voice to make your essay authentic and relatable.

For example, if you're writing about a community service project, don't just list the tasks you completed. Instead, focus on a specific moment that deeply impacted you and shaped your perspective, like an interaction with someone you helped or a problem you faced and overcame. Describe the scene in detail and explain how it led to personal growth or changed your understanding of the world.

Remember to revise and get feedback from teachers, friends, or family members to ensure your essay is polished and conveys the message you want to share. Good luck!

a year ago

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