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Does pre-calc count as calculus?

Hey guys, I'm in precalculus right now and I was wondering if taking precalc counts as taking a calculus course for college admissions purposes? Will schools view it as fulfilling the requirement for a calculus course?

a year ago

Taking precalculus does not count as taking a calculus course, as precalculus and calculus are distinctly different subjects. Precalculus serves as a foundational course, preparing students with the necessary skills and understanding of mathematical concepts to succeed in calculus. Calculus focuses on concepts such as differentiation and integration, which are not present in the precalculus curriculum.

That being said, completing precalculus can still be beneficial in demonstrating your interest and capability in math, which many colleges appreciate. Some schools have specific math requirements or recommendations, so it's important to research the colleges you're interested in to determine their expectations. Generally, a strong math background, including coursework in precalculus followed by calculus, can make your application more competitive, particularly for STEM-focused majors.

While precalculus doesn't directly fulfill a calculus requirement, it's a crucial stepping stone in developing a strong mathematical foundation, enabling you to tackle calculus later in your high school career. So, it's still a valuable course to take in preparation for college-level math courses.

a year ago

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