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Princeton interview tips?

I've got a Princeton interview coming up and I'm really nervous. How should I prepare for it? What sort of questions can I expect? Any advice on making a good impression or calming my nerves would be great. Thank you!

a year ago

First of all, congrats on landing the Princeton interview! It's normal to feel nervous, but remember that this is an opportunity to showcase your passions and unique qualities. Here are some tips to help you prepare and make a great impression:

1. Research Princeton: Learn about the university's academic programs, clubs, traditions, and campus life. This will help you answer questions about why you're interested in attending the school and demonstrate your enthusiasm.

2. Prepare for common interview questions: You can expect questions about your academic interests, extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and future goals. They may also ask why you want to attend Princeton and how you would contribute to the campus community. Review your application and brainstorm possible answers beforehand.

3. Dress professionally: Wear clean, modest clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable. A smart-casual outfit is usually appropriate. Avoid anything too flashy or controversial.

4. Be punctual: Arriving early shows your dedication and helps you avoid any last-minute stress. Plan your route ahead of time and consider possible traffic or delays.

5. Practice active listening: Show your interviewer that you value their input by listening intently and maintaining eye contact. Avoid interrupting them and respond thoughtfully to their questions.

6. Stay calm and be yourself: It's natural to feel anxious, but remember that your interviewer is there to learn about you, not grill you. Take deep breaths and try to maintain a relaxed demeanor. Let your personality and genuine passion for education shine.

7. Prepare thoughtful questions: Having a few questions ready to ask your interviewer shows your interest and demonstrates that you've done your homework. Ask about their experiences at Princeton, any advice they have for incoming students, or specific aspects of the university that intrigue you.

8. Send a thank-you note: After the interview, express your gratitude for the opportunity by sending a short, personalized email to your interviewer. Thank them for their time and mention a specific topic you enjoyed discussing or any helpful advice they provided.

Remember, the interview is a chance for you and Princeton to learn more about each other, so focus on being genuine and showcasing your authentic self. Good luck!

a year ago

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