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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Prestige of LaunchX?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying for the LaunchX program, but I'm not exactly sure how prestigious it is. Has anyone here been part of it? How was your experience, and do you think it made a difference on your college applications?

a year ago

Hi there! I have heard of LaunchX and it has a good reputation as an entrepreneurship program for high school students. While it's not directly connected to a specific university, it's known for providing participants with resources and mentorship to develop their business ideas and solve real-world problems.

Being part of LaunchX can potentially have a positive impact on your college applications, especially if entrepreneurship or business is one of your passions or a field you'd like to pursue in the future. However, it's crucial to remember that the prestige of a program isn't everything – what's more important is the experience it provides and how well you can showcase your growth and what you've learned from it. Participating in LaunchX could be a great way to demonstrate your initiative, creative thinking, and leadership skills, which are valuable qualities that colleges look for.

a year ago

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