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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Late Registration Deadline for SAT

I missed the regular registration deadline for the upcoming SAT, but I heard there's a late registration deadline. Can someone tell me when the late registration deadline usually is and if there are any fees I should be aware of? Thanks!

a year ago

The late registration deadline for the SAT typically falls approximately two weeks after the regular deadline and around 3-4 weeks before the exam date. However, you should always check the SAT dates and deadlines on the College Board's official website to get the most accurate information.

If you choose to register late, be aware that there will be additional fees. For the SAT without the essay, the late registration fee costs an extra $30, while for the SAT with the essay, it's also an extra $30 on top of the base test fee. You should also know that the late registration deadline might have limited testing center availability, so it's best to register as early as possible to secure a spot at your preferred location.

Lastly, if you're eligible for fee waivers, you can use one for the late registration fee as well. Reach out to your school counselor to request a fee waiver if you believe you qualify. Good luck with your preparations!

a year ago

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