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3.8 GPA: How many B's can you get?

Hey guys, I'm trying to understand how a 3.8 GPA works with letter grades. How many B's can you get in your high school classes and still maintain a 3.8 GPA?

a year ago

Hello! To answer your question, let's assume your high school uses a standard 4.0 unweighted scale, where A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, and so on. You can calculate a 3.8 GPA by finding the right combination of A's and B's that averages out to 3.8.

As an example, let's say you've taken a total of 10 classes in your high school career (obviously, you'll take more than this, but just to make the math easy). To figure out how many B's you can have while maintaining a 3.8 GPA, use the following equation:

(Number of A's x 4.0 + Number of B's x 3.0) / Total Number of Classes = 3.8

If you replace the Total Number of Classes with 10, and assume the remaining classes are A's, you can now solve for the Number of B's:

(10 - Number of B's) x 4.0 + Number of B's x 3.0 = 38.0 (since 3.8 x 10 = 38)

This equation simplifies to:

40 - 4.0 x Number of B's + 3.0 x Number of B's = 38

Which means:

Number of B's = 2

So, in this example with 10 classes, having eight A's and two B's will result in a 3.8 GPA. However, this is just for the example of 10 classes; your specific situation will depend on the total number of classes you've taken. You should also bear in mind that some schools use a weighted GPA scale, giving extra points for honors or AP classes. In that case, the conversions might be different.

I'm sorry I can't give you a more precise calculation for your particular circumstances, but hopefully this example helps demonstrate that overall, you'll want to earn far more A's than B's to achieve a 3.8 GPA. Good luck!

a year ago

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