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Computer science summer programs for high schoolers?

Hey guys! Summer is coming up, and I want to use my time wisely to learn more about computer science. Any suggestions on summer programs specifically for high school students that focus on computer science? Preferably, something that offers a good balance of learning and social experiences.

a year ago

There are several computer science summer programs designed for high school students that combine learning with social experiences. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Carnegie Mellon University's Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science (SAMS): This six-week program for rising high school seniors offers a well-rounded experience in computer science and other STEM fields. You'll attend classes, engage in hands-on projects, and participate in workshops—all while making new friends and enjoying extracurricular activities along the way.

2. Stanford University's Summer Institutes High School Program: Stanford offers a variety of three- and four-week summer programs, including courses in computer science, on topics such as artificial intelligence. You'll study on Stanford's campus, giving you a chance to explore the exciting environment and meet like-minded peers.

3. MIT's Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES): This rigorous six-week summer program is designed for underrepresented minority students with a strong interest in STEM fields, including computer science. You'll attend classes, participate in labs, and work on team-based projects. Evening and weekend activities provide opportunities for socializing and exploring MIT and the Boston area.

4. iD Tech Summer Camps: These week-long camps are held at various college campuses across the US and focus on computer science and technology subjects, such as coding, game design, robotics, and cybersecurity. They offer both day camps and overnight options, creating a fun and engaging atmosphere for learning and socializing.

These are just a few of the many computer science summer programs available for high school students. For example, you can find a more comprehensive list on CollegeVine's blog:

Do some research on these options to find an option that fits your preferences, and make sure to note application requirements and deadlines, and program costs, of those that most interest you. Good luck finding the right fit, and I hope you have an amazing summer experience!

a year ago

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