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Exploring pre-law as a high school student

Hello fellow students! As a junior in high school, I've been thinking more and more about pursuing a career in law. How can I feel more confident in my choice? What kinds of pre-law programs or experiences would you recommend for someone like me?

a year ago

Hello there! It's fantastic that you're considering a career in law! To help you feel more confident in your decision, I would recommend the following activities and experiences:

1. Join or start a debate club: Debate clubs offer a great way to develop public speaking, critical thinking, and research skills, which are highly relevant for a law career. Participating in debate competitions will also give you the chance to grow under pressure, which can be useful in law school and beyond.

2. Volunteer in the legal sector: Reach out to local law firms, courthouses, or organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to see if they have volunteering or internship opportunities for high school students. Gaining firsthand exposure to the legal field will help you understand the day-to-day work of a lawyer and solidify your interest in the field.

3. Participate in mock trial competitions: Mock trial is a fantastic way for high school students to get a taste of a career in law by playing the roles of attorneys and witnesses in simulated court cases. Joining a mock trial team will help you acquire skills in legal analysis, argumentation, and teamwork.

4. Attend legal events or workshops: Keep an eye out for seminars, workshops, or talks related to law that are open to high school students. It's a great opportunity to learn about specific areas of law, connect with professionals, and gather further insights about the profession.

5. Law-related courses or summer programs: Some colleges offer pre-college or summer immersion programs that allow high school students to explore law or related subjects. One example is the National High School Mock Trial Championship. While some of these programs can be expensive, there are scholarships available, and participating can add valuable experience to your college applications and provide insight into law school life.

Finally, make sure to talk to professionals in the legal field, such as lawyers or law professors, who can provide firsthand knowledge about the career and advice about the necessary steps to take. This will allow you to make a more informed decision regarding your pursuit of a legal career. Good luck exploring the field of law, and remember that your high school experiences can help shape your path forward in this exciting profession!

a year ago

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