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How do I write a research paper as a high school student?

I'm working on a research paper for a competition and it's my first time doing this. Any tips or resources on how to tackle a research paper at the high school level? Thanks!

a year ago

First off, congratulations on taking the initiative to participate in a research paper competition! Writing a research paper can seem daunting, but breaking it down into steps will make the process more manageable. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tackle a research paper at the high school level:

1. Choose a topic: Start by selecting a subject that interests you and fits the competition's guidelines. It's important to choose a focused topic rather than a too general or too narrow one.

2. Conduct preliminary research: Familiarize yourself with the topic by looking up related articles, books, and online resources. Note any significant themes, questions, or perspectives that stand out to you during this initial phase.

3. Develop a research question: Based on your early findings, develop a research question that guides your investigation. A strong research question should be clear, focused, and complex enough to require thoughtful analysis.

4. Gather detailed information: Use databases, journals, books, and other reliable sources to collect data related to your research question. Keep track of your sources for citation purposes.

5. Organize and evaluate: As you gather information, analyze the material and look for key points, patterns, and trends. Organize your findings in a logical manner (by theme, chronology, or viewpoint).

6. Develop a thesis: Your thesis statement should be a concise argument that answers your research question and captures the central idea of your paper. This will help guide your writing.

7. Create an outline: Establish a structure for your paper by outlining the introduction, body, and conclusion. This will help you organize your thoughts, create a logical progression of ideas, and keep your paper focused on the main points.

8. Write the paper: Begin by writing a draft of your paper following your outline. Start with the body paragraphs, covering the main points and evidence for each, and then move on to the introduction and conclusion.

9. Revise and edit: After completing your draft, review it for content, organization, grammar, and style. Solicit feedback from peers and teachers who can provide constructive criticism and help you improve the paper.

10. Cite your sources: Use the appropriate citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) to document your sources in-text and in a bibliography or works cited page at the end of your paper.

To learn more, read this blog post:

Don't forget to carefully follow your competition's specific guidelines and submission criteria throughout the process. Good luck with your research paper!

a year ago

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