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Is a 980 SAT score really bad?

I just got my SAT score back, and it's only 980... I'm feeling pretty down about it. Should I be worried about my chances for college admissions? What can I do to improve my score and academic profile? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

A 980 SAT score is considered below average, as the national average SAT score is around 1060. However, it's important not to view it as "really bad," but rather as an opportunity to improve and grow. Different colleges have different score requirements, so depending on what schools you're interested in, your score may still be sufficient for some admissions. That being said, if you're aiming for more competitive schools, it's a good idea to focus on improving your score.

To improve your SAT score, consider the following suggestions:

1. Identify your weaknesses: Look at the breakdown of your SAT score to pinpoint areas you struggled in. This will help you focus your study efforts.

2. Create a study plan: Set aside regular, consistent study time throughout the week. Break your study sessions into manageable chunks, and make sure to balance practice with refreshing content knowledge.

3. Use effective study materials: Utilize free resources like Khan Academy, which offers personalized SAT prep based on your previous test performance. Additionally, consider purchasing an SAT prep book or enrolling in an SAT prep course.

4. Take practice tests: Regularly taking official College Board practice tests will help you familiarize yourself with the test format, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and build test-taking stamina. Make sure to review your mistakes and understand the concepts behind them.

5. Consider a tutor or study group: If you're struggling in a particular area, working with a tutor or joining a study group can provide additional support and motivation.

Lastly, don't forget that colleges also consider other elements of your application, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, and essays. While improving your SAT score should be a priority, continue to work on maintaining or raising your GPA, and stay involved in extracurricular activities that demonstrate your interests and commitment. Also, prepare to write compelling essays that showcase your personality and growth.

Best of luck in your college admissions journey and SAT prep!

a year ago

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