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Can working out be considered an extracurricular activity?

Hey guys! I've been pretty dedicated to working out and staying fit for the past couple years. Can I put this down as an extracurricular activity on my college applications? What do you think, and how could I make this stand out to colleges?

a year ago

Definitely! Working out and staying fit can be considered an extracurricular activity, especially if you're dedicated to it and have a regular routine. However, to make it more impactful as an extracurricular on your college applications, you should consider adding more substance to it.

For example, if you're interested in sharing your passion and experience with others, you could start a fitness or wellness club at your school. This adds a leadership aspect to the activity and shows commitment to promoting health and wellness among your peers.

Another way to make this stand out is to align it with your career or academic goals. If you plan on pursuing a major or career related to health, sports, or wellness, mentioning your dedication to working out can demonstrate a deeper connection to your chosen field.

Additionally, you could consider volunteering or working at local gyms, wellness centers, or even collaborating with your school's athletic department to create fitness programs or workshops for your peers. This would demonstrate your passion, networking skills, and community involvement.

When you describe this extracurricular on your applications, make sure to mention any specific achievements or milestones, such as significant physical transformations, participating in fitness competitions, or improving your performance in a specific fitness discipline.

In summary, while working out can be considered an extracurricular activity, it'll be more impactful on your college applications if you expand upon it and connect it to other aspects of your life, such as leadership, career goals, or community involvement.

a year ago

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