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New England RSP: What are the benefits and eligibility?

I recently came across the New England Board of Higher Education's Regional Student Program but I'm not sure about the benefits or eligibility. Can someone please explain what it is and how to know if I qualify for it?

a year ago

Sure, the New England Board of Higher Education's Regional Student Program (RSP) is a tuition discount program that provides New England students with the opportunity to attend public colleges and universities in the region at a reduced out-of-state tuition rate. The primary purpose of the program is to encourage students from the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) to attend college and help them access majors that may not be available in their home state.

To be eligible for the RSP tuition break, you must meet the following criteria:

1. Residency: You must be a resident of one of the six New England states for at least one year immediately prior to enrollment in the college/university.

2. Major: The major you're applying for must be an approved RSP major at the participating institution. Not every major is included, as the goal is to direct students toward majors that aren't available in their home state. You can search for eligible majors through the online catalog on the New England Board of Higher Education's website.

3. Enrollment: You need to be enrolled at a participating institution and not just taking a single course.

The main benefit of the RSP is the reduced tuition cost, which can save you up to 50%-75% off the usual out-of-state tuition rate. This could potentially translate into thousands of dollars in savings each year. Additionally, the RSP helps you access programs in your field of interest that might not be available at your state's public institutions, giving you a broader range of options.

To apply for the RSP tuition break, follow the application process for the college or university you're interested in attending. Be sure to indicate that you're applying as an RSP student and include the necessary documents to prove your residency. The college or university will determine your eligibility for the RSP and incorporate it into your financial aid package.

a year ago

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