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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT Grading: Is it on a curve?

I've been curious about how the SAT is graded, and I've heard some conflicting info. Does anyone know for sure if the SAT is graded on a curve, or is it based on a standard point scale? I just want to know what to expect when I take it.

a year ago

The SAT is not graded on a traditional curve like some classroom tests, but it does use a process called equating. This process ensures that scores are comparable across different test administrations. Equating takes into account the slight variations in difficulty levels of tests and adjusts the scores accordingly, so a test-taker wouldn't be at a disadvantage if they happen to take a harder version of the SAT.

In essence, equating helps maintain a consistent standard for all test-takers. While it is not a curve per se, it does involve slight adjustments to scores depending on the difficulty level of the particular test. That being said, you won't be directly competing against other students taking the SAT on the same day; the equating process is in place to ensure fairness and consistency.

a year ago

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