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Electric Engineering Internships for High School Students?

Hi all, I'm a high school student interested in electrical engineering and I'm looking for internships in the field. Are there any specific programs or companies that offer internships for high school students? If you've done one, how was your experience? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great to see high school students taking an interest in electrical engineering and looking for internship opportunities. While many internships in this field are geared towards college students, there are still some options for high school students.

1. Summer High School Internship Program (SHIP) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - This program offers a hands-on research experience in various disciplines, including electrical engineering, for students who have completed their junior year of high school.

2. Research Science Institute (RSI) - This is a highly competitive summer program for high-achieving high school students in STEM fields. Students work on research projects with top scientists and have the opportunity to present their work.

3. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) - PLTW partners with schools and industry leaders to create real-world engineering experiences for students. Check if your school offers PLTW courses and consider joining them to gain hands-on experience in engineering, which could lead to internship opportunities.

Aside from these specific programs, you can also be proactive and reach out to local engineering firms or university labs. Many companies and researchers appreciate the enthusiasm of a high school student and may be willing to take you on as an intern or an assistant if you express your passion for the field and demonstrate some relevant skills or experience, such as coding, circuit design, or participation in a robotics club.

Finally, don't forget to network. Talk to your teachers, counselors, and any family or friends with engineering backgrounds. They may have connections to companies that offer internships or be able to recommend other resources.

Remember, even if your first experience isn't a formal internship, any hands-on, practical experience in electrical engineering will be extremely helpful when applying for college or future internships. Good luck in your search, and I hope you find an exciting opportunity that helps you further explore your passion for electrical engineering!

a year ago

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