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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Raising GPA

I'm a little bit stressed about my current GPA and I'd love to raise it higher before applying to college. Are there any specific tactics or methods I should be using to get my GPA up? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

It's completely normal to be concerned about your GPA, especially if you're aiming for competitive colleges. While raising your GPA may not happen overnight, here are some strategies to consider:

1. Evaluate your academic performance and pinpoint specific classes or subjects where you might be struggling. Seek out extra help through tutoring, study groups, or online resources in those areas.

2. Developing good time management habits can greatly improve your academic performance. Break down assignments into manageable tasks, create a study schedule, and avoid procrastination.

3. Make an effort to connect with your teachers and ask questions if you don't understand a concept. Attending office hours or after-school help sessions can also make a significant difference in your grades.

4. Research shows that certain study techniques are more effective than others. Try implementing strategies such as spaced repetition, self-testing, and elaborative interrogation to help you better retain information.

5. Set specific, achievable goals for yourself to reach in terms of GPA improvement. Monitor your progress towards these goals, and celebrate the small victories along the way.

6. If your school or district offers summer or online courses, enrolling in them can help you catch up on credits, retake a class for a better grade, or tackle classes you might excel in to boost your GPA.

7. Stress can impact your ability to focus and perform well academically. Engage in healthy stress-management techniques, such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a counselor, to help you cope with academic pressures.

a year ago

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