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Mechanical Engineering vs Electrical Engineering Salary

Sup y'all. I'm trying to decide between majoring in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. I'm curious about the salary differences between these two fields. Can someone provide information on the average starting salaries or long-term salary prospects for each major? Appreciate it!

a year ago

Hey there! Both mechanical engineering and electrical engineering are great choices and offer solid career prospects. While salary shouldn't be the only factor to consider when choosing a major, it's still useful to have an idea of potential earnings.

For mechanical engineering, the average starting salary range is around $60,000 to $65,000 depending on the location and company. With experience and as you progress in your career, you can make about $80,000 to $110,000 as a mid-level engineer. Reaching senior or management positions can potentially lead to salaries of $120,000 or higher.

As for electrical engineering, the average starting salary is slightly higher, ranging from $65,000 to $70,000. Mid-level electrical engineers can expect to make between $90,000 and $115,000, while those in senior or management roles can earn $130,000 or more, depending on their expertise and the industry they work in.

Keep in mind that these numbers can vary depending on factors such as geographic location, industry, company size, and job responsibilities. It's also worth noting that the job growth outlook for both fields is promising, with a stable demand for professionals.

Ultimately, it's crucial to choose the major that aligns with your interests and passion, as enjoying your work can lead to better job satisfaction and long-term success. Good luck in making your decision!

a year ago

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