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Cornell University essay: what kind of topics do successful applicants write about?

I'm starting to work on my Cornell application, and I want to make sure my essay stands out. For those who got accepted, what kind of topics did you write about? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

It's important to approach your essay with a unique angle that highlights your personality, passions, and interests. While I can't provide specific essay topics from accepted students – as those are personal stories – I can offer some guidance on how to choose a topic that will resonate with the admissions officers.

1. Focus on your "spike": Top colleges, like Cornell, tend to look for students with a highly-developed specialty. Instead of being well-rounded, show that you excel in a specific area. Your essay should convey how your passion for this area has shaped your identity, values, or perspectives.

2. Personal growth: Admissions officers are interested in understanding how your experiences have facilitated personal growth and transformation. Discuss a challenge or life-altering event, and focus on the lessons learned, the skills gained, and how it has shaped you as a person. Make sure it is introspective.

3. Unique experiences: Highlight a story, experience, or moment in your life that sets you apart from others and demonstrates a unique quality or talent. Avoid cliché topics like adjusting to a new place, sports injuries, or working hard in a challenging class. Instead, write about something surprising, unconventional, or deeply personal to you.

4. Demonstrate interest in the specific college: For college-specific essays, such as Cornell's "Why this College?" prompts, research the college's programs, professors, or extracurricular activities and demonstrate a genuine interest. Connect your past experiences, achievements, and long-term goals to what the college has to offer. This not only shows that you've done your research but also emphasizes your fit with the school.

To learn more about these essays, read this blog:

Remember, the key to a successful admissions essay is to be authentic and let your personality shine through. Write about something you genuinely care about and feel is essential to understanding who you are. That way, you'll make a lasting impression on the admissions officers, and your essay will stand out! Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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