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Cornell Transfer Option Letter - is it different from a normal acceptance letter?

I've heard about the Cornell Transfer Option letter, and I'm wondering how it differs from a regular acceptance letter. Can someone share more information or maybe even their experience with it? Thanks a bunch!

a year ago

The Cornell Transfer Option (TO) letter is indeed different from a regular acceptance letter. While a regular acceptance letter signifies that you have been accepted into a particular college or university for the upcoming academic year, the Transfer Option letter from Cornell is an offer to attend the university as a transfer student after you have completed one year at another accredited institution.

A few key points about the Cornell TO are:

1. Conditional Guaranteed Transfer: If you maintain a high GPA, complete the required courses, and adhere to other specified criteria during your freshman year at another institution, you are almost guaranteed a transfer acceptance into Cornell for your sophomore year.

2. Subject to Specific Colleges: The TO is college-specific within Cornell, meaning that it is applicable only to the college you had applied to (such as College of Arts & Sciences, College of Engineering, etc.). When you transfer to Cornell after a year, you will be admitted to the designated college specified in your TO letter.

3. Pre-Approved Credits: The TO letter typically outlines which courses you should take during your freshman year and indicates which credits will transfer towards your chosen major at Cornell. This way, you'll have a clear path of which courses to take in your first year to ensure a smooth transition into Cornell the following year.

In summary, while a regular acceptance letter admits you to a college for the upcoming academic year, the Cornell Transfer Option (TO) letter is an offer for guaranteed transfer admission (subject to meeting certain criteria) after completing one year at another institution.

a year ago

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