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SAT: 720 math
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What are the housing options like at UCLA?

Hi, I'm really interested in applying to UCLA! Can anyone help me understand what the housing options are like there? Like dorms, apartments, or other options? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi! UCLA offers a variety of housing options for students, including dorms, apartments, and suites. Let me give you a brief overview of each type:

1. Dorms: UCLA has several residential halls, which are primarily occupied by freshmen. Dorms can be co-ed or single-gender, and they typically house multiple students per room. The rooms can be triple, double, or single occupancy and have communal restrooms/showers on each floor. Some of the popular dorm choices include Dykstra Hall, Rieber Hall, and Hedrick Hall.

2. Suites: Suites are similar to dorms but provide a bit more privacy. They consist of multiple bedrooms (usually doubles or triples) connected by a shared living room and bathroom. Suite-style living is often favored by sophomores or upperclassmen, and some popular options are Sproul Cove and Sproul Landing.

3. On-campus apartments: UCLA offers several on-campus apartment communities for upperclassmen and graduate students. These apartments typically provide more independence than dorms and suites and are fully furnished with a kitchen, bathroom, and living space. Examples of on-campus apartments include University Village, University Apartments South, and Weyburn Terrace.

4. Off-campus housing: Some UCLA students choose to live off-campus in the surrounding Westwood neighborhood, where they can rent apartments or houses. This allows for even more independence and the opportunity to experience life outside the university community. However, keep in mind that off-campus housing prices may vary widely, and the location can impact your commute time to campus.

Aside from the physical living spaces, UCLA housing also features dining facilities, study areas, and recreational spaces to support student life.

When you're accepted to UCLA, you'll receive more information about the housing application process, where you can indicate your preferences for the various options. I hope this gives you a better understanding of the housing choices available at UCLA, and good luck with your application!

a year ago

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