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Emailing Your Counselor

What's the proper way to email your high school counselor when you have questions about college applications? I don't want to come across as annoying or impolite. Any tips on etiquette and what to include in the email?

a year ago

When emailing your high school counselor, it's important to maintain a professional and polite tone. Here's a general guide to help you craft your emails:

1. Use a clear and informative subject line: Make sure your subject line clearly states the purpose of the email. For example, "Question about College Applications" or "Request for Meeting – College Planning."

2. Address your counselor with respect: Begin the email by addressing your counselor with a formal salutation like "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],"

3. Be concise and clear: In the body of the email, briefly explain the reason for your message and any specific questions you have. Keep it concise, but provide enough context so your counselor understands your concern or request.

4. Include relevant details: If you're asking about a specific college, application deadline, or scholarship, make sure to include the necessary information so your counselor can provide accurate assistance.

5. Request a meeting if necessary: If you think your issue requires a longer conversation, politely request a meeting and provide a few options for dates and times. Be sure to also let them know if you're available for a virtual or in-person meeting, depending on your school's current policies.

6. Express gratitude: Thank your counselor for their time and assistance. You can also show that you value their expertise by writing something like, "I appreciate your guidance during this process."

7. Sign off professionally: End the email with a closing phrase like "Sincerely," or "Best regards," followed by your full name, graduation year, and any contact information they might need to respond to your message.

8. Proofread: Double-check your email for any grammatical or spelling errors before sending it.

Here's an example email:

Subject: Request for Meeting – College Application Timeline

Dear Ms. Smith,

I hope this email finds you well. As I begin the college application process, I have a few questions about how to best manage my application deadlines and prioritize tasks. I was wondering if you could spare some time to help me create a personalized application timeline and answer any questions I might have.

Would you be available for a 30-minute meeting sometime next week? I am free on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please let me know if any of these times work for you, or if there is another time that would be more convenient for your schedule.

Thank you for your guidance and support during this important time. I look forward to discussing my college application process with you.


[Your Full Name]

Class of [Graduation Year]

[Your Email Address] – optional

[Your Phone Number] – optional

a year ago

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