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Duration to fill out FAFSA form

Hi everyone, I'm a little stressed about the financial aid process. I was just wondering, how long does it usually take to fill out the FAFSA form? Are there any specific things I should look out for when completing it?

a year ago

Hey there! Filling out the FAFSA form can seem daunting at first, but don't worry - it's not as time-consuming as it may seem. It usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete the form itself once you have all the necessary information gathered, although it's worth noting that gathering can take some time.

Before starting the FAFSA, gather all the necessary documents, such as your Social Security number, your parents' Social Security numbers (if you're a dependent), your driver's license number (if you have one), and federal tax returns for both you and your parents (if you're a dependent). You'll also need records of untaxed income and information about your assets, such as savings and checking account balances.

To make the process smoother, make sure you create your FSA ID ahead of time, as you'll need this to log in and sign your FAFSA electronically. The FSA ID registration can take a few days to process, so getting it done early is a good idea.

When completing the FAFSA form, pay close attention to the instructions, specifically about entering dollar amounts. For example, ensure that you're not using commas or decimal points, as the form may not accept them. Carefully review your responses to ensure that you've provided accurate information.

Finally, don't forget to submit your FAFSA by the deadline for the colleges you're applying to, as well as any state-specific deadlines. The federal deadline is June 30th, but individual schools and states may have earlier deadlines that you should be aware of to maximize your financial aid possibilities. Good luck!

a year ago

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