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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Tufts Supplementals: What to expect?

Hey there! I'm interested in applying to Tufts University and I've heard about their supplemental essays. Does anyone have any insight on the types of prompts they typically have or any advice on how to approach them?

a year ago

Hello! Tufts University is known for its unique and thought-provoking supplemental essay prompts. While they change from year to year, the prompts generally look for your personality, intellectual curiosity, and how you think about different issues.

If you want specifics on the prompts and how to approach them, your best bet is to check out Collegevine's post on [Tufts' essays] ( They update these every year with the prompts for each application cycle and tailored advice. Definitely check it out!

a year ago

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