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Humanities internships for high school students

Hey guys, I'm really interested in humanities subjects like history, English, and philosophy, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any cool internships for high school students in those areas? I'd love to get some real-world experience before applying to college. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're looking to gain some real-world experience in the humanities before college. There are definitely some internships and opportunities designed for high school students like you, with interests in history, English, and philosophy. Here's a list of a few you might want to look into:

1. Smithsonian Internship: The Smithsonian Institution offers several internships for high school students interested in history, culture, and the arts. Various departments like the National Museum of American History or the National Museum of African American History and Culture have placements suitable for your interests.

2. High school journalism internships: Many local newspapers or online publications offer internships to high-school students looking to gain experience in writing, research, and editing. Reach out to your local newspapers and inquire if they have any opportunities available.

3. Local museums or historical societies: These organizations often look for interns or volunteers to help with research, archiving, or educational programs. Reach out to museums, historical societies, or cultural centers in your local area and express your interest in an internship.

4. CollegeVine's blog also contains a list of well-known internships in a range of fields, including several through museums or other humanities-focused organizations: Their blog also has a list of summer writing programs, some of which may overlap with your interests:

Remember, when applying for internships, it's essential to tailor your resume and cover letter to each organization and focus on how your humanities interests make you a strong candidate. Good luck in your search - I hope you find an internship that aligns with your passions!

a year ago

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