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Proper heading for college essay?

Hey guys, I'm working on my college essays, and I'm not sure about the right format for the heading. Can anyone let me know what the standard heading should look like and if different colleges have specific requirements? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! When it comes to formatting your college essay, keeping it simple and consistent is key. Generally, you should use a standard font like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri in 12-point size.

For the heading, you'll want to include the following information:

1. Your name

2. Your high school (optional)

3. The date (although not required, it can be helpful)

4. The essay title or prompt (important for proper identification, especially if the college has multiple essay prompts)

The heading should be left-aligned, single-spaced, and typically placed in the upper-left corner of the first page. For example:

Your Name

Your High School

October 1, 2023

Essay Title or Prompt

Additionally, don't forget to add page numbers to the upper-right corner if your essay is longer than one page.

Each college may have specific requirements; however, most will follow the format I've listed above. It's always a good idea to check the application instructions provided by the college and follow any specific guidelines they have. If you're submitting through the Common App or similar platforms, they often have built-in formatting tools that take care of the organizing for you.

Good luck with your college essays! Remember that content is the most important aspect; focus on presenting your story authentically and effectively. The formatting should enhance readability, not distract from your core message.

a year ago

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