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OSU Morrill Scholarship Essay Tips?

Hi everyone, I'm considering applying for the Morrill Scholarship at Ohio State University, and I know the essay portion is really important. Can any previous applicants or recipients share some advice on how to make my essay stand out? What kinds of topics or experiences should I focus on? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Congrats on considering the Morrill Scholarship at Ohio State University. For your essay, keep in mind that the scholarship committee is looking for students dedicated to diversity, leadership, and social justice. To make your essay stand out, here are some tips:

1. Be authentic: Share a personal story or experience that demonstrates your commitment to these values. This could be an instance where you stood up against discrimination, advocated for a marginalized group, or promoted inclusivity in a specific situation. Make sure to connect this experience with the broader impact it had on your life, beliefs, and goals.

2. Emphasize leadership: If you have held leadership roles in any clubs, projects, or community organizations focused on diversity and social justice, discuss these experiences in your essay. Highlight your contributions, the challenges you faced, and the lessons you learned from these positions.

3. Show long-term commitment: If you have been involved in social justice and diversity work for an extended period, include this in your essay. It's essential to demonstrate your ongoing dedication to these pinnacles of the Morrill Scholarship.

4. Address the prompt: Make sure your essay aligns with the mission of the Morrill Scholarship by discussing your dedication to diversity and social justice. Explicitly answer the prompt and address how you intend to contribute to these values on OSU's campus and beyond.

5. Be specific and concise: Focus on one or two major points or experiences, rather than trying to cover everything. Providing a focused narrative will resonate more with the scholarship committee.

6. Edit and proofread: This goes without saying, but a well-written, polished essay can leave a lasting impression. Take your time to edit your essay, ask others for feedback, and make sure it is free of errors and reads smoothly.

Remember, every applicant's experiences will be different, so focus on what makes your journey unique and impactful. By sharing an authentic story that demonstrates your dedication to diversity and social justice, you'll make a lasting impression on the scholarship committee. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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