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How are cases of SAT exam cheating dealt with?

I've heard stories about students cheating on the SAT exams, and it makes me a little worried. How does the College Board deal with these situations? What are the consequences for those caught cheating?

a year ago

The College Board takes the issue of cheating very seriously, and they have a range of security measures in place to prevent and detect cheating on the SAT exams. When a testing irregularity or suspected cheating incident is identified, the College Board begins an investigation. They might use various methods, such as comparing answers between two or more students or looking at patterns of erasures, among others.

If the investigation finds sufficient evidence of cheating, the student's test scores will be withheld or canceled. The College Board may also choose to report the case to the student's high school and any colleges to which the student has sent or plans to send score reports.

Consequences for those caught cheating vary based on the severity of the case. They may range from a warning to disqualification of scores and potentially being barred from taking future College Board tests, such as the SAT or AP exams. Instances of cheating can also severely damage a student's reputation and may affect their chances of college admission.

It's essential to maintain academic integrity and avoid engaging in any form of cheating or misconduct during the test. You can rest assured, though, that if you haven't cheated, you don't have anything to worry about. College Board only investigates cases where they have a legitimate reason to believe cheating took place - they aren't breathing down students' necks hoping they make a mistake. So, just focus on preparing for the SAT through legitimate study methods and practice exams, and you'll be fine! Good luck on your SAT!

a year ago

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