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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Length of a typical essay?

Obviously, it differs based on topic and requirements, but how long is a typical essay for college applications? I'm starting to write my essays and don't want them to be too short or too long. Thanks!

a year ago

You're right that the length of college application essays can vary depending on the prompt and requirements. Generally, for the main personal statement required by the Common App, Coalition App, or colleges' individual applications, the typical length is between 500 and 650 words.

For supplemental essays, the length can be much shorter, sometimes even as short as 50 or 100 words, while others might range from 200-500 words. Be sure to check the requirements for each specific prompt you're responding to, as some will have strict word limits or guidelines on the preferred length.

Remember, it's crucial to maintain a balance between being concise and providing enough depth to your responses. Focus on effectively communicating your story and showcasing your personality and experiences while adhering to the specified word count provided by the college.

a year ago

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