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International Business Major Difficulty?

I'm really interested in international business as a potential major, but I'm worried about its difficulty. Can anyone give me an idea of how hard this major is compared to others? What should I expect in terms of workload and content?

a year ago

It's great to hear you're considering international business as a major! The difficulty of this major can vary depending on the college and your own personal strengths, but I'll provide a general overview.

In terms of course content, international business typically combines elements from both business and international relations disciplines. This means you'll be studying a mix of subjects such as finance, marketing, management, economics, and political science. Usually, you'll also be learning about global cultures and may be required to study a foreign language. You'll be expected to analyze global trends and develop problem-solving skills to tackle complex international business issues.

As for the workload, it can be demanding as you'll be learning a wide range of theoretical and practical concepts. You might need to complete projects, case studies, presentations, and exams, which could be time-consuming and challenging for some students. That being said, it's important to keep a balanced schedule and be proactive with your assignments. Developing strong time management and prioritization skills will be crucial for success in this major.

Compared to other majors, international business can be considered moderately difficult. It's not as intense as some STEM or pre-med majors, but it does require a broader skillset and knowledge base than some other humanities majors. How hard it will be for you ultimately depends on your interests, strengths, and how well you can manage your workload.

Lastly, don't forget to make use of your college's resources such as academic advisors, professors, and peer tutors if you find yourself struggling or in need of guidance with your assignments or course selection. Good luck with your studies!

a year ago

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