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Writing Caltech essays?

I'm interested in applying to Caltech and want my essays to be on point. What are some things I should focus on or emphasize in my essays? I'd appreciate any advice from those who have gone through the process!

a year ago

It's great that you're applying to Caltech! When it comes to writing your essays, it's crucial to showcase qualities that align well with Caltech's values and expectations. Here are some tips to consider while crafting your essays:

1. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity: Caltech is well-known for its cutting-edge research and innovative collaborations. Show that you're genuinely passionate about exploring new frontiers in your field, whether that be through independent projects, research experiences, or advanced coursework.

2. Emphasize collaboration and community: Caltech emphasizes the importance of a collaborative community among its students and faculty. Depict instances where you have worked effectively in a team, have a growth mindset, or have invested in your community, either through extracurricular activities or community service.

3. Show off your problem-solving skills: Caltech students tend to have a strong capacity for problem-solving. Highlight experiences where you've applied critical reasoning and creative thinking to solve complex issues in your academic, extracurricular, or personal life.

4. Be specific about your interests and goals: Make your motivations for studying at Caltech clear by specifying academic programs, research areas, faculty you're interested in working with, or extracurricular opportunities offered by the school. This not only shows you've done your homework but also helps convey that you're a great fit for the Caltech community.

5. Take risks and be creative: Caltech seeks individuals who aren't afraid to think outside the box. Don't be afraid to inject humor, creativity, or unique viewpoints in your essays, as long as they remain relevant and appropriate.

6. Proofread and revise: Like any other college essay, it's essential to revise and polish your Caltech essays. Ask for feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers to ensure your essays are well-organized, engaging, and error-free.

Lastly, remember to stay true to your voice and personality throughout your essays. Admissions officers want to get to know you as an individual, so share personal stories, reflections, and values that reveal who you are and what you would bring to the Caltech community.

To learn more, read this blog post:

Best of luck with your essays and your application to Caltech!

a year ago

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