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JHU waitlist: what are my chances?

Hi everyone! In case I get waitlisted at Johns Hopkins University, I wanted to know how good are the chances of being admitted from the waitlist? Any insights on this would be super helpful, as JHU is one of my top choices. Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! Although it's difficult to provide an exact number for your chances of being admitted from the Johns Hopkins University waitlist, it's generally known that waitlist admission rates tend to be lower than regular admission rates. That being said, it's important to keep a positive outlook and be prepared.

In the past few years, the percentage of students admitted from the JHU waitlist has varied. Some years, a significant number of waitlisted students have been offered admission, while in other years, the number has been quite small. Many factors come into play that can impact waitlist admission, such as the yield rate of accepted students and how full the incoming class is.

To improve your chances of being admitted from the waitlist, consider writing a letter of continued interest to express your enthusiasm for the school and provide any updates on your achievements since submitting your application. Additionally, be proactive in exploring other options by accepting an offer of admission at another college you were accepted to and pursuing financial aid, housing, and enrollment processes there.

Finally, it's important to remember that, even if you don't get admitted from the waitlist at JHU, there are many other excellent schools where you can still have a great college experience. Stay positive and be open to the opportunities that come your way! Good luck!

a year ago

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