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UVA Supplement Essay Help?

Hey guys, I'm applying to UVA and wanted to ask if anyone has advice on writing their supplement essay? Any examples or tips that worked for you? I could use the help!

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on applying to UVA; it's a great school! You can find some example essays submitted by real students here:

CollegeVine also has an in-depth breakdown that addresses all of the current UVA prompts, which you can find here:

Here are some general tips for writing successful supplemental essays:

1. Be genuine and authentic — Don't try to cater your answers to what you think the admission officers are looking for. Instead, be true to yourself and write about your own experiences and thoughts.

2. Show, don't tell — Rather than just stating facts about yourself or your experiences, paint a picture for the reader by using anecdotes, descriptive writing, and dialogue. This helps create a more engaging and memorable essay.

3. Be specific — When discussing your experience or perspective, focus on particular events, examples, or details that best convey your point. Generalizations can sometimes dilute the impact of your message.

4. Keep it concise — UVA's essay lengths are short (100-250 words). Stay on topic and make sure every sentence adds value to your essay.

For example, let's say you choose the prompt about what you would bring to a residential community at UVA. Instead of providing a list of characteristics or accomplishments, share a story about a time you played a unique role in your neighborhood or school community, and how that experience shaped who you are today. This will allow the admissions officers to understand your impact on a community and envision your potential contribution to UVA.

Remember, the purpose of the supplement essay is to demonstrate to UVA that you would be a great fit for their community, so give them insight into your character and what makes you uniquely you. Best of luck with your essays!

a year ago

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