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NYU vs Northeastern: Which one is stronger in communication studies?

I'm a high school junior currently trying to decide between NYU and Northeastern for communication studies. I would love to hear about the differences in their programs, extracurriculars, and campus life. Can any current or former students help me understand which school might offer a better overall experience for a communication major? Thanks!

a year ago

Both NYU and Northeastern have strong communication studies programs, but there are some differences to consider when choosing the one that's right for you.

NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development has a respected Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, which offers numerous specialized areas of study such as global and transcultural communication, technology and society, and media institutions and politics. The university is also located in New York City, which means unparalleled internship, networking, and career opportunities. NYU also boasts a vibrant campus life with access to cultural events, activities, and clubs. However, keep in mind that cost of living and tuition can be high and the urban, decentralized campus might not be everyone's preference.

Northeastern, on the other hand, offers a communication studies program through its College of Arts, Media and Design. The program emphasizes experiential learning and combines theory with practical skills. A notable feature of Northeastern is its co-op program, which allows you to gain real-world work experience during your studies. Many communication students obtain prestigious co-op placements, which help them build their resume and professional network while still in undergrad. While New York is unique in terms of professional opportunity, Boston is still another major city with various media outlets and organizations to partner with. While the cost of living is still relatively high, it may be slightly more affordable than New York City.

Extracurricular opportunities at both schools are ample, with various clubs, organizations, and events that cater to communication interests. NYU may have an advantage when it comes to direct connection to premier media outlets, while Northeastern's comprehensive co-op program means you'll have valuable hands-on experiences integrated with your studies.

Campus life at both schools will have an urban feel due to their locations. NYU is in the heart of Greenwich Village and has a more dispersed campus, while Northeastern experience is more traditional, with a defined campus in Boston.

In summary, both NYU and Northeastern offer strong communication studies programs with different advantages. NYU stands out for its location and access to top media organizations, while Northeastern emphasizes experiential learning and its unique co-op program. Consider which program aligns with your personal and professional goals, and visit each campus if you can to get a feel for campus life and culture.

Ultimately, both schools will give you a fantastic education in communications, but their overall atmospheres are quite different, so make sure you're honest with yourself about what kind of vibe you're looking for in your college experience. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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