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CU Boulder vs. UCLA: Help me choose for a major in biology?

I'm deciding between CU Boulder and UCLA for a biology major and I'm having a hard time choosing. I'm considering factors like academic quality, research opportunities, and campus life. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts to help me make a decision? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

First, congratulations on your acceptances to both CU Boulder and UCLA! These are both great schools and you can't go wrong with either choice. However, I understand it can be tough to make the final decision. Let's break down each factor for both schools:

1. Academic quality: Both CU Boulder and UCLA have strong academic programs, but UCLA generally has a better reputation when it comes to overall ranking and its biology program. The higher academic prestige could give you advantages in terms of research opportunities, graduate school, or job placement. That said, it's important to prioritize your personal academic experience and fit rather than relying solely on rankings.

2. Research opportunities: Both schools have research opportunities available, but UCLA may have an edge due to its location and connection to the wider University of California system. As a larger research-focused institution, you'll likely find more research areas and access to experts in a variety of biology sub-disciplines at UCLA. However, CU Boulder also offers undergraduate research programs and partnerships with nearby research labs and industries.

3. Campus life: Both schools offer unique campus life experiences. CU Boulder is known for its outdoor recreational opportunities and hiking trails, with a breathtaking view of the Flatirons. Boulder is a charming college town with an active community and close proximity to Denver. UCLA is located in Los Angeles, offering access to countless cultural experiences, entertainment options, and networking opportunities. LA is a large and bustling city with great weather, but it could also feel overwhelming for some students.

Both schools have their merits, so consider which environment suits you better. Do you see yourself thriving in a bustling city with lots of networking opportunities, or would you prefer a more laid-back college town with incredible access to nature? Visit both campuses if you can, envision yourself there, and weigh the factors that are most important to you. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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