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Ivy League Scholarships Available?

I'm applying to some Ivy League schools and was wondering if any outside scholarships focus on students who plan to attend these prestigious institutions. Any information would be much appreciated!

a year ago

While there are not many outside scholarships that specifically target students attending Ivy League institutions, there are numerous scholarships available that recognize exceptional academic achievement, leadership potential, or unique skills. These scholarships can be helpful for Ivy League-bound students since many Ivy League schools provide financial aid based primarily on need.

Here are a few examples of well-known scholarships that can be used toward attending an Ivy League institution:

1. Coca-Cola Scholars Program — This scholarship awards 150 seniors with a $20,000 scholarship based on leadership, service, and academics.

2. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation — Through its College Scholarship Program, it offers scholarships for high-achieving students who have demonstrated financial need. Awards vary in size but can cover all or a significant portion of your educational expenses.

3. National Merit Scholarship Program — Scholarships offered through this program can be awarded by colleges (including some Ivy League institutions), corporations, or by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation itself.

4. Gates Scholarship — This highly selective, full scholarship is specifically for high-achieving, underrepresented minority students with significant financial need. It covers full tuition, fees, and room and board for the duration of a student's undergraduate education.

To increase your chances of securing an outside scholarship, cast a wide net and conduct thorough research to identify scholarship opportunities. Look into local community scholarships, those related to your intended field of study, or connected to your extracurricular activities. You can also search for scholarships based on your background, such as those for first-generation college students or those supporting underrepresented minorities in certain fields.

Finally, keep in mind that Ivy League schools typically have robust financial aid programs. Be sure to submit all required financial aid applications, as financial awards from these institutions can be quite generous and are often based on a family's demonstrated need.

Good luck with your scholarship search and your applications to Ivy League schools!

a year ago

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