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Loyola vs Georgetown: Which one for pre-law?

Hi there, I'm considering both Loyola University Chicago and Georgetown University as potential schools for my undergraduate studies. I'm planning on a pre-law track, so which school would be better in terms of academics, internships, and overall preparation for law school?

a year ago

Both Loyola University Chicago and Georgetown University are respected institutions with strong pre-law programs, but they offer different experiences and opportunities. I'll give you an overview of both to help you make an informed decision.

Georgetown University:

1. Prestige: Georgetown is highly regarded and consistently ranks among the best universities in the United States. Its location in Washington, D.C., provides unparalleled access to internships, networking, and job opportunities.

2. Pre-law resources: Georgetown has a dedicated pre-law advising office that can help students with academic planning, internships, and the law school application process.

3. Coursework: As a liberal arts institution, Georgetown offers a variety of majors that can prepare you for law school, such as Government, International Affairs, and Philosophy. Its core curriculum emphasizes critical thinking and writing skills.

Loyola University Chicago:

1. Location: Loyola's campus is situated in the vibrant city of Chicago, which also provides ample opportunities for internships, networking, and jobs within the legal field.

2. Pre-law resources: Loyola has an established Pre-Law Advising Program that assists students with course selection, internships, and law school applications.

3. Coursework: While Loyola may not have the same level of prestige as Georgetown, it still offers a strong liberal arts education, with majors like Political Science, Philosophy, and Criminal Justice that can prepare you for law school.

In terms of academics, Georgetown has a slight edge due to its prestigious reputation. When it comes to internships and overall preparation for law school, both schools offer valuable resources and opportunities. It ultimately comes down to the type of college experience you're looking for and which environment you'd be most comfortable in. Consider visiting both campuses, talking to current students, and attending information sessions to gain a better understanding of each school's atmosphere and offerings.

a year ago

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