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SAT: 720 math
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Duke vs Harvard: Which One is Better?

I can't believe it, but I got accepted to both Duke and Harvard! Now I'm struggling to decide which one to attend. Could someone offer insight into the academic programs, campus culture, and post-grad opportunities for each school? My major will be economics. Thanks!

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Harvard and Duke are exceptional schools with their own unique offerings, so it ultimately comes down to what you value most in your college experience.


Both Duke and Harvard have strong economics programs, but Harvard's economics department is larger and more well-known, which can mean more extensive course offerings and research opportunities. However, at Duke, you might find smaller class sizes and more personalized attention from professors in the department.

It's essential to consider whether you prefer the vast resources of a renowned department or a more intimate academic setting.

Campus Culture:

Duke and Harvard have distinct campus cultures. Duke's overall atmosphere is more laid-back and collegiate, with a strong focus on athletics and school spirit. In contrast, Harvard has a more traditional, intellectual environment, and there's a heavier emphasis on academic prestige and achievement.

Social life at Duke tends to revolve around Greek life and sports, whereas at Harvard, it's more centered around residential houses and clubs. Think about what kind of atmosphere you would thrive in and feel most comfortable with when making your decision.

Post-Grad Opportunities:

Both schools provide numerous opportunities for internships, job placements, and connections for economics students. Harvard's extensive alumni network and brand name might give you an edge in some industries, but Duke's career services and alumni connections are also impressive. Additionally, major companies and employers recruit from both schools, so job prospects should be strong in either case.


Duke is located in Durham, North Carolina, offering warm weather, a growing job market, and a lower cost of living compared to the Boston area. Harvard's campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is part of the greater Boston area, which is known for its huge student population, notable history, and vibrant cultural scene. Your preference for a smaller city setting or a major urban environment should factor into your decision.

Visit both campuses (if possible) and interact with the students and faculty to get a sense of which community and atmosphere feel like the best fit for you. Ultimately, choose a school that best aligns with your personal preferences, values, and priorities for the college experience. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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