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Georgia Tech vs. Ohio State for Computer Science

Hi everyone! I'm seriously struggling to decide whether to apply to Georgia Tech or Ohio State for computer science. I've heard great things about both programs, but I'm not sure which one would offer better opportunities in terms of internships, job placements, and post-grad prospects. Any input would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Both Georgia Tech and Ohio State are excellent choices for computer science, but they do have some differences that may make one a better fit for you depending on your preferences and priorities.

Georgia Tech is ranked higher nationally and is known for its strong STEM programs, including computer science. The school is located in Atlanta, which is a growing tech hub, providing more internship and job opportunities in the area.

The school also has solid connections to major tech companies, which can be helpful for job placements and networking. The computer science curriculum at Georgia Tech is rigorous and offers a variety of specializations to choose from. Keep in mind that Georgia Tech is relatively more selective than Ohio State, so admissions can be competitive.

On the other hand, Ohio State is a large public university with a solid computer science program. The school is located in Columbus, which may not have the same number of tech opportunities as Atlanta, but there are still companies in the area that offer internships and job placements.

Ohio State has a more extensive alumni network, which can be beneficial when looking for job opportunities after graduation. The computer science program at Ohio State is also well regarded, but it may be more difficult to stand out among the student population due to the program's size.

Ultimately, your decision should be based on what factors are most important to you. If you prioritize a higher-ranked program with more internship opportunities and a rigorous curriculum, Georgia Tech may be the better choice. However, if you would prefer a larger university with a strong alumni network and a less competitive admissions process, Ohio State could be the right option.

Don't forget to also consider other factors such as campus culture, location, size, and financial aid, which can greatly impact your overall college experience. Good luck with the application process!

a year ago

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