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Long Beach State vs UC Riverside: Need help deciding!

Hey, y'all! So I got accepted to both Long Beach State and UC Riverside, but I'm not sure which one to choose. I plan on majoring in computer science, so I'm looking for input on their respective CS programs, in addition to any thoughts on campus life, extracurriculars, and social opportunities. Your insights would be super helpful!

a year ago

Congrats on your acceptances! Both Long Beach State and UC Riverside are reputable institutions with solid computer science programs. However, there are some differences between the two that might help you decide which school is a better fit for you.

In terms of academics, UC Riverside is a part of the prestigious University of California system and has a strong focus on research. This means you'll have access to more research opportunities as an undergraduate student, which can be highly beneficial if you're considering graduate school or a career in academia.

Long Beach State, on the other hand, is part of the California State University system and has a more hands-on, applied approach to computer science. Both approaches have their merits, so consider which learning style might suit you best.

Campus life differs between the two schools as well. UC Riverside is located in a more suburban area, whereas Long Beach State is in a bustling coastal city. If you prefer a more relaxed, suburban environment, UC Riverside might be the better choice for you. However, if you want to be near the beach and enjoy city life, Long Beach State would be a better match.

Extracurriculars and social opportunities are plentiful at both schools, with clubs and organizations catering to a wide range of interests. It's worth looking up specific clubs or organizations for each school that match your interests, as these can greatly enhance your college experience.

Lastly, don't forget to consider factors like distance from home, cost of attendance, and housing options when making your decision. It's important to feel comfortable with all aspects of your college experience!

Good luck with your decision, and remember that choosing a college is a deeply personal decision, so ultimately, you should select the school that feels like the best fit for you and your future goals.

a year ago

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