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UW essays that got students accepted?

Hi everyone! So, I'm seriously struggling with my University of Washington essays, and I could seriously use some help. Can anyone share examples of essays that actually worked - like, they got the writer accepted into UW? I need some real-life inspiration here!

a year ago

Hi there! While sharing exact essays that got students accepted into the University of Washington isn't really feasible, I can offer you some guidance and strategies that can help you develop a strong essay.

First, you'll want to make sure you're familiar with the essay prompts provided by UW. Reflect on your experiences and brainstorm ideas that genuinely resonate with you and align with the prompt. Be honest and authentic in your writing - a genuine voice will be more engaging to admission officers.

Avoid cliché topics and focus on an aspect of your life or an experience that highlights your unique strengths and characteristics. As you tell your story, make sure it reveals your personal growth, perseverance, curiosity, or values. Remember, the goal of the essay is to convey who you are as a person to the admission officers. Also, consider the traits and values that the University of Washington values in applicants, such as integrity, intellectual curiosity, and commitment to diversity. You can look for ways to incorporate these values into your essay without making it sound forced.

When crafting your essay, make sure you have a clear structure and use descriptive language to help the reader visualize your narrative. Use vivid details and anecdotes to make your story more interesting and engaging. Once you finish writing, don't forget to revise and edit your essay multiple times and seek feedback from teachers, family, or friends.

Finally, remember that a successful college essay is the product of reflection, effort, and revision. The process may require a few (or many) drafts before shaping it into your best possible work. Keep at it, and you'll create a compelling essay that highlights your unique experiences and qualities. Good luck with your University of Washington essays!

a year ago

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